We live in a world where we communicate predominantly via social media; feel increasingly disconnected from our friends, neighbors, and colleagues; and find it’s risky to confide our struggles. Our new Medium piece examines how to address this.
Our co-founder Helena Plater-Zyberk explains why Supportiv is the solution to these challenges in a piece called “How To Repair The Social Fabric: Rebuilding Community with Supportiv — The Support Network” on Medium.
Supportiv is introduced as the ultimate network for our busy, always-on life. Many of us have a professional network and wouldn’t hesitate to ask for job help from someone in it. We all have a social network, and we know who to ping when we want to grab a beer or see a documentary. What we’re lacking is a support network! Supportiv has created one for you, one you can tap 24/7 on any topic, all anonymously, so there’s no hesitation.
Supportiv takes our struggles and pairs us with peers going through the same thing. Moreover, Supportiv is unique from all those other resources out there trying to solve the mental health crisis. It is incredibly low cost, troll-free, authentic, safe, and so much more. Supportiv, the support network, provides precision peer support for mental wellness, and you can read more about what this means at https://medium.com/supportiv/repairing-the-social-fabric-eb51876884a6.
To contact the author, email Anisha Makhija at anisha@supportiv.com
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