Even if your job makes you unhappy, choosing whether or not to leave it can drag on. Brit + Co helps you decide, with a key tip from our Supportiv co-founder.
When all the signs to leave fly in your face, you might still resist making the call: “We’re taught to persevere and to stick with things, which can make it super difficult to have a clear picture of whether or not we should actually leave a job,” says Brit + Co
Once you stop worrying about how it looks to quit, you can accurately decide whether to peace out. The article walks the reader through 14 ways to make a personal
Sign Number 13: “You’re sick of being involved in emotional office drama,” is where
“It sometimes feels good to have a pulse on all the office gossip or to be trusted by coworkers with personal and emotional issues, but becoming the unofficial office therapist gives you a whole extra job to do and takes a toll on your mental and emotional energy,”
As Brit + Co adds, “It’s okay to feel like you want to remove yourself from this situation. You can maintain those relationships — and perhaps become an even better sounding board — once you’ve found yourself a new position.”
Read the full article, here.
We fully support you in deciding to start a new chapter, and know someone to talk about it with makes all the difference.
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