Supportiv releases new resources to soften the impact of physical health on mood and mental health.

New resources in Supportiv’s Sickness + Health article collection answer: How can individuals avoid crumbling under the pressure of physical illness, while managing mental health struggles? Especially when they’re already so burnt out? 

Any condition that alters one’s physical state can have an impact on mood. These conditions could range from disability to pain to long covid, and even to substance use and eating disorders, which intimately entwine physical and mental health.

Supportiv CEO and Co-Founder Helena Plater-Zyberk drills down on the importance of supporting our mental health through sickness: 

“Your mental health doesn’t just take the day off when you’re sick. On the contrary, sickness can cause limitations, frustration, and even hopelessness that amplify any other emotional struggles. If you’re stressed at work, sickness causes fear about keeping up. If you don’t have a support system, sickness makes you feel even more vulnerable. And if you have caregiving responsibilities, sickness deals a double-blow to you and the person who relies on you.”

Supportiv Co-Founder Pouria Mojabi encapsulates the relationship between mood and physical health:  “Being at the end of our proverbial ropes, perhaps now more than ever, we are all more vulnerable to the mood impact of sickness and health struggles. With stress at all time highs, we are both more likely to fall ill and to have trouble coping emotionally with that illness.”

In addition to tangible resources to cope with and heal from health problems, individuals also need emotional resources to support themselves. This new collection of articles and resources provides such support, through sickness and health. 

Titles in Supportiv’s new Health Collection span various mind-body struggles, including:

If You Can’t Resolve Your Pain, Mindfully Notice It

Reacting isn’t always the best course of action for pain. By mindfully noticing pain, resisting it less forcefully, you may feel less suffering.

Troubleshoot Back Pain By Looking At Lifestyle Factors

It is important to consider the potential lifestyle factors that might be contributing to or even causing your back pain. Fortunately, it is possible that a simple and easy change is what it takes to drastically improve your quality of life.

Why Disability And Hope Need To Coexist

Why do disability and hope need to coexist? Also, how can you find hope in an authentic way–without toxic positivity–when life just doesn’t feel worth it?

Long Covid And Mental Health: What To Expect

Now that the coronavirus is a fact of life, it’s still important to prevent infection–and the mental health effects connected to long Covid.

When A Loved One Struggles With Substance Use Or Addiction…

Occasionally in our relationships we find ourselves asking if a loved one is “using too much.” Here’s how to approach their substance use.

When Chronic Pain Becomes Too Much, Here’s How To Manage

If you live with any kind of chronic pain, information is your friend. Read on to get a better handle on your situation and find new ways to manage.

Starving Yourself Is Self Harm

“Self-harm” most often refers to physical self harm, but mentally abusing and starving oneself also fit the definition — as “emotional self harm.”

Spoonie Self Care: Spend Your Energy Strategically

Sure, your limits are different than others’, but wouldn’t it be nice to flourish within those limits? That’s where self care can save a spoonie.

Realistic Chronic Pain Quotes

50.2 million adults in the United States live with chronic pain–that’s 20.5 percent! However, the experience can feel isolating nonetheless. Sometimes, you need to hear from someone who walks in the same shoes.

Pandemic Burnout: Why It’s Not Going Away And What To Do About It

We white-knuckled through the terror of the unknown, and finally emerged on what felt like the other side. But people are still getting COVID! And the burnout continues.

How To Embrace Food Freedom For Body Image Struggles

Three key ways to embrace food freedom to improve body image, as recounted by eating disorder recovery TikTok advocate @elizabethsnazz.

Why Is Nicotine So Appealing? Nicotine Dependence And Mental Health

Nicotine is one of the most addictive chemicals known to humans. But why is it so appealing in the first place? And how does nicotine dependence affect mental health?

Arthritis Pain Relief Without Drugs: Game Your Brain

You may not be able to fully eliminate arthritis pain. However, you may find partial relief without drugs by leveraging your brain and nervous system.

You Know Someone In Eating Disorder Recovery: What’s That Mean For You?

It’s time to face the facts about eating disorders, disordered eating, and other serious concerns, like exercise addiction and the cultural obsession with wellness. Equipped with the facts and best practices, each of us can become an advocate to help ourselves and others heal.

What To Know About Health Anxiety And When To Trust Your Gut

When is health anxiety just anxiety? When and how can you advocate for yourself, to minimize stigma when seeking care?

Find considerations for weathering health struggles in the full article collection, at Or, try out Supportiv’s peer-to-peer support chats, available 24/7/365, with no appointments and less than a minute wait.