Run through this list of questions to make the most of your anger: assess it, understand it, communicate it, and use it to feel better.

Take as little as 10 minutes to complete this worksheet by 

  • Printing it, or
  • Writing your answers on a separate piece of paper, or
  • Typing your answers into Notes or a word document.

Who can this understanding anger worksheet help, and how?

This worksheet is good for people who have experienced:

  • Explosive anger
  • Overwhelm
  • Relationship struggles
  • Communication issues
  • Boundary issues
  • Social anxiety
  • Pushing people away
  • Family dysfunction

Anger’s evolutionary purpose is to call your attention to important issues. Whether you’re angry because of a person, a system, or a situation, you can’t resolve it without understanding your feelings. Then, you can take appropriate action.

Need motivation?

“The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change so that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger but in wisdom, understanding and love.” – Jennifer Edwards

“The trick in expressing anger is thus neither to ignore it and become a doormat, or to use it to establish the dominance of your own needs. First you must examine the angry reaction you feel to understand what lies at its source.” – Rune Moelbak, PhD

“Growing up, I always felt that anger was ‘bad.’ In school and at home I learned that anger made people do ‘bad’ things, and anger was a source of ‘evil’ in the world. I didn’t want any part of that! So, when things happened that made me angry (for example, getting bullied at school), I’d ignore the feelings of anger until they ‘went away.’ I’d go home and cry, feeling these emotions build up inside of my body. It felt like I would explode. And I’d sit there, trying to breathe, praying for the wave of anger to pass. Eventually my headache would go away, and I’d be able to breathe easily, but the feelings never quite left my body. What I didn’t know then was that those feelings would later transform into deeper feelings of anger and resentment.” – Michelle Ogunti

“Although anger is often seen as a negative emotion, there’s a lot that we can learn from it, starting from our triggers.” – Mentally Aware Nigeria

“Pro-tip: get angry! Anger & even aggression can be necessary for retraining nervous systems habituated to freeze/collapse/dorsal vagal shutdown.” – G. E. Woods

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