When you feel others’ expectations–whether they have voiced them or not–it’s easy to prioritize meeting those expectations, even at your own expense. Especially if you’ve ever had people-pleasing tendencies.

This worksheet helps you outline the expectations you feel weighing on you–what’s expected, by whom, and why. You’ll be asked what makes you feel this expectation, and how complying might require a sacrifice to your wellbeing. 

Then, the worksheet guides you to find a compromise solution between your wellbeing and others’ expectations.

How can you communicate this compromise solution? At the bottom of the worksheet, there is a sample script for starting a conversation about the expectations you perceive, as well as their impact on you and how you hope to move forward.

Who can this worksheet for balancing expectations help?

This worksheet is good for people who have experienced:

  • Anxiety
  • Relationship struggles
  • Communication issues
  • Boundary issues
  • Abuse
  • Burnout
  • Work stress
  • Social anxiety
  • High emotional sensitivity
  • Family conflict
  • People pleasing

Need motivation? 

“Sometimes, pressure is well-meaning. People who care about us might want what’s best for us, but they base this on their own needs and beliefs. Challenging their expectations can be hard, but it can ultimately help them grow as a person. And living your life to meet other’s expectations rarely makes you happy.” – Kids’ Helpline Australia

“Great relationships are not governed by one-sided expectations. Communicate even when it’s uncomfortable and uneasy. One of the best ways to heal and grow a relationship is simply getting everything on the inside out in the open. Compromise. That’s how good people make great things happen together.” – Angel Chernoff

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