“Having this resource is a great tool for managers, for personal use and to have knowledge of to suggest for our hourly team.”

– Anonymous Walmart Manager

Are you a manager, team lead, or someone who just likes to look out for their coworkers? Your workplace offers no-cost mental, emotional, and social support services through Supportiv, and you can help spread the word!

Below, find information on which team members might benefit from using Supportiv, and answers to questions your team may have about the service.

Also find a downloadable and printable 2-page packet to distribute directly to your team members.

What is Supportiv?

Supportiv offers small-group peer support chats – fully anonymous, without an appointment – 24 hours a day. It’s a covered benefit through many organizations, including Walmart and Sam’s Club. Almost 500k Associates have used Supportiv at supportiv.com/walmart.

When you’d prefer not to use clinical services like therapy, but also can’t or don’t want to share something with your in-person support system, Supportiv is a reliable place to turn. 

You get understanding, a sense of connection, and helpful resources precision-matched to what you’re going through. And your access to Supportiv’s chats is unlimited. You can leave and come back whenever you like.

Who can use Supportiv for free?

All Walmart and Sam’s Club employees, as well as dependents over age 13 (like your teens or parents who live with you).

At Walmart and Sam’s Club, all employees are eligible to use Supportiv as much as they want – you don’t even have to be on company insurance. 

Additionally, it’s free to use for your dependents over the age of 13. They can visit the same link as you: walmart.supportiv.com or supportiv.com/walmart, and they don’t have to log in (just like you don’t).

Of course the next question is: why is this covered? Does Walmart use this to spy on employees?

Is Supportiv really anonymous? Is this a way for Walmart to spy on me?

The answer is an absolute NO. Supportiv was designed to be fully anonymous from the get-go, and its mission is to provide a place where it’s safe to open up about your struggles. Even Supportiv employees use the chats, without fear of being identified. How can you really trust this claim?

  1. Supportiv never asks you for personal information. You don’t have to create an account, sign up, or provide an ID number to use Supportiv.
  2. Supportiv doesn’t use social media tracking pixels. So, if you find Supportiv through a Facebook ad, that ad won’t pass your profile info over to Supportiv.
  3. When you visit Supportiv from OneWalmart, Supportiv also does not track you from there.
  4. If you accidentally give your personal info in a chat, we automatically remove that message.

We don’t have personal information about you, so we can’t link what you say to your identity. Even if we wanted to! 

What can people use Supportiv for?

People often use Supportiv to cope with and heal from struggles related to the following topics, but this is just a sampling of what you can talk about!

  • Divorce
  • Relationships
  • Sickness + Health
  • Motivation
  • Burnout
  • Breakups
  • Grief
  • Work
  • Communication
  • Disability
  • Identity
  • Aging
  • Trauma
  • Depression
  • Parenting
  • Loneliness
  • Stress Relief
  • Family Drama
  • Sleep
  • Man-to-Man
  • Body Image
  • ‘Bad’ Habits
  • Adulting
  • Military/Veterans
  • Substance Use
  • Teen
  • Adoption

Supportiv can also connect you to relevant resources or other benefits offered by your employer, so you have an idea of next steps in coping with or healing from your struggle.

Supportiv can support people through a variety of daily life struggles, but is not equipped to help with bona-fide crisis. If someone visits the chats in a suicidal, medical, or other type of dangerous crisis situation, they will be referred to a more appropriate service. This is to ensure everyone gets the most effective care for their situation.

How do I use Supportiv?

There’s no app to download. Supportiv is available as a “webapp” on any mobile device, phone, tablet, or desktop computer. Just visit walmart.supportiv.com or supportiv.com/walmart, and click any of the yellow Chat buttons you see. You can also find us through OneWalmart.

You’ll be prompted to share a few words about what you’d like to talk about. Or you can use the prompt buttons provided. Then, you pick your own anonymous username, and get matched into a chat – in less than 30 seconds. 

You’re connected to other users online at the same time, who want to talk about something similar, and there’s a trained chat moderator to keep things safe, productive, and anonymous. 

Will I be chatting with fellow Walmart or Sam’s Club employees?

If your “struggle” is Walmart-related, you may be matched with fellow self-identified Walmart or Sam’s Club employees. Otherwise, you’ll be matched to chat with people who are most likely to understand what you’re going through – out of the entire pool of Supportiv users.

Emotional support resources for people leaders

If you’re considering telling a coworker or direct report about Supportiv, you may also wish to be a supportive peer to that person, yourself. Here are some resources for managers to help provide that needed support in the workplace:

You may find other relevant resources at https://walmart.supportiv.com/communication, https://walmart.supportiv.com/work, https://walmart.supportiv.com/motivation, https://walmart.supportiv.com/how-to-help, or https://walmart.supportiv.com/burnout

You may also print the following two pages to distribute amongst your team. These pages give an overview of Supportiv and include a QR code for easy access!

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions that come up, or any other ways we can support you and your team. We’re here to help!